

M. Sylvia Weintraub is an Assistant Professor of Art Education in the Visual & Theatre Arts Department at the University of Tennessee at Martin. Serving as Coordinator of the Art Education Program, Weintraub oversees state licensure for pre-service teachers at UTM. In addition to maintaining an active studio practice, her academic research examines how DIY communities exchange creative content and gain adaptive skillsets on social media sites like Pinterest, TikTok, and YouTube. Using interdisciplinary methods, Weintraub’s work zeroes in on ways in which social media can provide access to art education outside of traditional confines, and also how it can be used as a tool for pre-service and in-service teachers.

Research Interests

Art Education Online, Social Media, Social Computing, Internet Research, Do-It-Yourself (DIY) pedagogy, Rural Arts Initiatives, Museum Education, Visual Studies, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Human factors, Psychographics, Persuasive Media, Digital Humanities (DH), Modern and Contemporary Art History, Animation History, Embodied Learning

Research Methods

Arts-Based Research (ABR), Data Visualization, Digital Ethnography, Content / Sentiment Analysis, Narrative Analysis, Participatory Action Research (PAR), Narrative Analysis, Corpus Studies (Content Analysis / Sentiment Analysis)

Theoretical Frameworks

Virtual Communities of Practice (CoPs), Critical Aesthetic Pedagogy (CAP), New Media Theory, Generative Knowledge, Post-Humanism, New Materialisms, Neo-Marxism, Liveness, Critical theory, Critical Pedagogy, Media Ecology, Embodiment
